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A Glimmer of Hope - a new strategy for Ethiopia

Written by Shawna Warmington-Brown Monday, 12 May 2014.

A Glimmer of Hope, a philanthropic crowdfunding concept, is changing the way that charities fundraise and effect change on the ground, by applying their expertise and allowing donors to back the projects that appeal to them without losing even a $1 to administrative costs.

shutterstock 147932963A key part of the model is enabling donors to contribute to microfinance projects. So instead of focussing on single issues like education or water, A Glimmer of Hope partners with small, nimble, local agencies with the expertise to plan small projects that effect deep, meaningful change in Ethiopia. By identifying their Natural Allies, these agencies, and the individual donors who want to solve these problems by aligning themselves with a no fee foundation, A Glimmer of Hope is organising a set of economics to solve a social and economics problem.

For supporters, contributing isn't just a one-off donation, or even a monthly subscription. A Glimmer of Hope's web platform lets people start their own campaign to raise funding and awareness: thus eliminating the need to use larger fundraising sites like JustGiving, which charge a 5% commission fee. And the saving is doubly valuable because A Glimmer of Hope is funded by an endowment of Donna and Philip Berber, who sold their business to Charles Schwab in 2000 for $488 million, ensuring that 100% of donations go to their cause.

Empowering a network of donors and supporters and rewarding them with transparency and choice represents a big challenge to the fundraising sector. This is 'Ecosystem Economics™' in action.

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About the Author

Shawna Warmington-Brown

Shawna Warmington-Brown joined entrepreneurcountry in December 2013 as Global Content Manager. Her current responsibilities includes creating a monthly magazine and newsletter for investors and entrepreneurs in addition to managing a catalogue of leading entrepreneurial contributors, uploading content online and reaching out to the community via social media. Her interests include business, writing on current affairs and the arts.

Graduating from notable media and communications university The London College of Communication with a honours degree in Journalism, Shawna has also had experience working as a freelance journalist within a wide variety of media genres.

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