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Reviews and Endorsements

Endorsements for Welcome to entrepreneurcountry

Helena Morrisey, CEO of Newton Asset Management

“Julie’s book [Welcome to entrepreneurcountry] has changed so much of the way I think about things...thank YOU.....your citation 'think big, start small, act fast' on the back of your book is what I've realised defines the 30% Club journey - I didn't appreciate that at the time, but now it all makes sense that's how things have 'happened' with that project, way exceeding other ventures I've been involved with.”

Mark Bamford, Director at ComBTAS Corporate Travel Management Solutions

I enjoyed reading Welcome to entrepreneurcountry, and like many good books it flows and I found myself nodding to myself a lot. It's providing some good great council, and is rather like therapy for entrepreneurs - it is keeping me sane anyway!

George Coelho, MD of Good Energies

Welcome to entrepreneurcountry captures the secret known to some of us for years… That Europe is a great place to be an entrepreneur and of all the places in Europe, Britain stands out as the entrepreneurial epicenter. Many of us moved to Europe to capture this “emerging market.” I know that I did.

Daniel Doulton, Co-Founder of SpinVox

My big takeaway was the 6% figure which is such a small thing to support that I can't believe our governments aren't doing more. What leverage - the future prosperity of a nation is heavily shaped by just 6%. And our lives get easier because entrepreneurial innovation accelerates the future towards us, faster than any other method.

Ciarán Fenton, Founding Partner of Fenton & Co LLP

Welcome to entrepreneurcountry is very strong on entrepreneur basics, and particularly useful for entrepreneurs who want to understand the difference in dealing with business in the 21st Century, as opposed to the last. The book highlights very well the change in the social contract at work, and also touches on parenting issues which I would have like to have seen more on. The main message is how to be smart – and how to behave cleverly -- in an age where the individual must manage themselves.

Paul Hargreaves, Founder of The Datacom Group

Whilst our economies and leaders seem to have lost their way, Welcome to entrepreneurcountry shows that individuals can do something for themselves – without waiting for governments to take the lead. Julie Meyer describes how women are kicking down barriers - using her own experiences and battles and giving the book a reality not found in business school texts.

Bob Hecht, Senior Advisor, AlixPartners LLP

Julie Meyer's "entrepreneurcountry" is an excellent combination of challenge and encouragement for anyone looking for a roadmap to actualise a vision...I read it cover to cover in one sitting...couldn't put it down.

Brynne Herbert, Founder and CEO, MOVE Guides

I thoroughly enjoyed Julie's book Welcome to entrepreneurcountry. As the founder of MOVE Guides and a first-time entrepreneur, I found Julie's advice both informative and motivating. We work with expats moving abroad every single day so I particularly related to her arrival in France and "go-getter" attitude while there. She makes a very compelling case for why economic growth will come from the 'David's' of the world and I do hope that governments take this to note! It's wonderful to see a successful, female entrepreneur share her journey with others. Thanks for the tips, motivation and sharing, Julie!

Daniel Ishag, Founder of Espotting

I first worked with Julie Meyer and Ariadne Capital in 2002 when I was building espotting, which I ultimately sold for $200 million in January 2004. Today as Founder/Chairman of Bluewater Bio, my focus as an entrepreneur continues to be to attract the brightest and smartest team members out there, sell them a vision and retain my staff, with a view to creating a high growth business and a work environment second to none – all of which are philosophies I learnt from my time spent with Julie and Ariadne. Her book, Welcome to entrepreneurcountry, 'gets' entrepreneurship - why it matters, why we're so obsessed, where it's going. It's a must read.

Clive Jacobs, Former Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO of Holiday Autos

Just reading Julie Meyer's first book Welcome to entrepreneurcountry on a lovely beach. It's reminded me where I live and why I am here!
Duncan Cheatle, founder of The Prelude Group: Welcome to entrepreneurcountry captures the enterprise zeitgeist. The era of the entrepreneur has arrived and Julie explains brilliantly how and why. It’s never been easier to create your own future and it shows on every page - from Julie's broad personal experience to those of the leading entrepreneurs.

Barry Jones of The London Speaker Bureau

This is a book I could not put down, follow Julie Meyer’s route as she turns the UK into an entrepreneurcountry.

David O'Reilly, Managing Director, Hampton Court Capital

Us Europeans need to get on board Meyer’s train and start believing in our ability to create new economic models for creating wealth - Welcome to entrepreneurcountry should be on the UK curriculum.

Sherry Roberts, Founder and CEO, The Longest Stay Ltd

An inspirational read about what it takes to travel the road of entrepreneurship and to arrive to its final destination - entrepreneurcountry

Winton Rossiter, Chairman of Weight Wins

A quick note to say I enjoyed Welcome to entrepreneurcountry. This comes at an important time for Western economies whose only salvation is to adopt your manifesto and grow, grow, grow through the private sector, particularly at the sharp end. Government needs to just get out of the way, as BoJo said yesterday. Having two young daughters, I was touched by your advice to fathers and daughters, about building independence, confidence, self-respect, including through sports.'

Stephen Stanton-Downes, CEO of Music Balloon

I got to page 3 of Julie's book and was reminded of 3 things....1. Why the hell I am bothering with this journey 2. That I am completely insane 3. I am not alone!

Alan Turner, Founder and Chairman of Seventeen Group (Insurance Broking, Underwiting, Financial Services and Risk Management)

This is an interesting and instructive book. Helpful, because Julie recalls in a very open and frank way her own reaction to the challenges she has faced and how she has dealt with them. The book is a good read for any 'David' starting out on the fascinating road of entrepreneurship.

Ted West, CEO of PhoneTell

Julie's prescription for how to improve society globally on the strength of the "entrepreneurial class" is potent.

Ze' ev Rosov, CEO and Co Founder at Iconicfuture GmbH

Welcome to entrepreneurcountry was a good read and you learn a lot about Julie's background and what drives her. The personal stories and examples of companies she has worked with was my favourite element of the book. An inspiring read that I am sure will have an impact on many people.

